
Filtering.analyze(elements='edges', metrics='all', cores=1, nodes_dict={'btw': 'networkx.algorithms.centrality.betweenness_centrality', 'cfb': 'networkx.algorithms.centrality.current_flow_betweenness_centrality'}, edges_dict={'btw': 'networkx.algorithms.centrality.edge_betweenness_centrality', 'cfb': 'networkx.algorithms.centrality.edge_current_flow_betweenness_centrality'}, **kwargs)[source]

Analyze the filtered network

Send the analyses of the filtered network for the passed combinations of elements-metrics. The individual Graphs saved as private attributes upon object initialization are analyzed independently with the Analysis module (this function calls AlloViz.AlloViz.Analysis.analyze()). Results are stored as new instances of classes from the AlloViz.AlloViz.Elements module, which extend the pandas.DataFrame class.

elementsstr or list, {“edges”, “nodes”}

Network element for which to perform the analysis.

metricsstr or list, default: “all”

Network metrics to compute, which must be keys in the nodes_dict or edges_dict dictionaries. Default is “all” and it sends the computation for all the metrics defined in the corresponding dictionary of the selected elements in element.

coresint, default: 1

Number of cores to use for parallelization with a multiprocess Pool. Default value only uses 1 core with a custom AlloViz.utils.dummypool that performs computations synchronously.

Other Parameters:
nodes_dict, edges_dictdict

Optional kwarg(s) of the dictionary(ies) that maps network metrics custom names (e.g., betweenness centrality, “btw”) with their corresponding NetworkX function (e.g., “networkx.algorithms.centrality.betweenness_centrality”). Functions strings must be written as if they were absolute imports, and must return a dictionary of edges or nodes, depending on the element dictionary in which they are. The keys of the dictionaries will be used to name the columns of the analyzed data that the functions produce. Defaults are nodes_dict and edges_dict.


Other optional keyword arguments that will be passed to the NetworkX analysis function(s) that is(are) used on the method call in case they need extra parameters.