
CARDS network construction method wrapper

It calculates the Mutual Information (MI) generalized correlation of the residues’ dihedral angles, and also the MI of their disorder, the MI between their values and their disorder (pure disorder or disorder-mediated) and the holistic MI (MI of the values plus of the disorder), and also their combinations.


CARDS(protein, d)

CARDS network construction method base class for calculations

CARDS_Disorder_Backbone_Dihs(protein, d)

CARDS network construction method's of the combination of the backbone dihedrals' Disorder MIs by averaging.

CARDS_Disorder_Chi1(protein, d)

CARDS network construction method's Disorder MI of Chi1 dihedral

CARDS_Disorder_Chi2(protein, d)

CARDS network construction method's Disorder MI of Chi2 dihedral

CARDS_Disorder_Chi3(protein, d)

CARDS network construction method's Disorder MI of Chi3 dihedral

CARDS_Disorder_Chi4(protein, d)

CARDS network construction method's Disorder MI of Chi4 dihedral

CARDS_Disorder_Dihs(protein, d)

CARDS network construction method's of the combination of all backbone and side-chain dihedrals' Disorder MIs by averaging.

CARDS_Disorder_Phi(protein, d)

CARDS network construction method's Disorder MI of Phi dihedral

CARDS_Disorder_Psi(protein, d)

CARDS network construction method's Disorder MI of Psi dihedral

CARDS_Disorder_Sidechain_Dihs(protein, d)

CARDS network construction method's of the combination of the side-chain dihedrals' Disorder MIs by averaging.

CARDS_Disorder_mediated_Backbone_Dihs(protein, d)

CARDS network construction method's of the combination of the backbone dihedrals' Disorder_mediated MIs by averaging.

CARDS_Disorder_mediated_Chi1(protein, d)

CARDS network construction method's Disorder_mediated MI of Chi1 dihedral

CARDS_Disorder_mediated_Chi2(protein, d)

CARDS network construction method's Disorder_mediated MI of Chi2 dihedral

CARDS_Disorder_mediated_Chi3(protein, d)

CARDS network construction method's Disorder_mediated MI of Chi3 dihedral

CARDS_Disorder_mediated_Chi4(protein, d)

CARDS network construction method's Disorder_mediated MI of Chi4 dihedral

CARDS_Disorder_mediated_Dihs(protein, d)

CARDS network construction method's of the combination of all backbone and side-chain dihedrals' Disorder_mediated MIs by averaging.

CARDS_Disorder_mediated_Phi(protein, d)

CARDS network construction method's Disorder_mediated MI of Phi dihedral

CARDS_Disorder_mediated_Psi(protein, d)

CARDS network construction method's Disorder_mediated MI of Psi dihedral


CARDS network construction method's of the combination of the side-chain dihedrals' Disorder_mediated MIs by averaging.

CARDS_Holistic_Backbone_Dihs(protein, d)

CARDS network construction method's of the combination of the backbone dihedrals' Holistic MIs by averaging.

CARDS_Holistic_Chi1(protein, d)

CARDS network construction method's Holistic MI of Chi1 dihedral

CARDS_Holistic_Chi2(protein, d)

CARDS network construction method's Holistic MI of Chi2 dihedral

CARDS_Holistic_Chi3(protein, d)

CARDS network construction method's Holistic MI of Chi3 dihedral

CARDS_Holistic_Chi4(protein, d)

CARDS network construction method's Holistic MI of Chi4 dihedral

CARDS_Holistic_Dihs(protein, d)

CARDS network construction method's of the combination of all backbone and side-chain dihedrals' Holistic MIs by averaging.

CARDS_Holistic_Phi(protein, d)

CARDS network construction method's Holistic MI of Phi dihedral

CARDS_Holistic_Psi(protein, d)

CARDS network construction method's Holistic MI of Psi dihedral

CARDS_Holistic_Sidechain_Dihs(protein, d)

CARDS network construction method's of the combination of the side-chain dihedrals' Holistic MIs by averaging.

CARDS_MI_Backbone_Dihs(protein, d)

CARDS network construction method's of the combination of the backbone dihedrals' MIs by averaging.

CARDS_MI_Chi1(protein, d)

CARDS network construction method's MI of Chi1 dihedral

CARDS_MI_Chi2(protein, d)

CARDS network construction method's MI of Chi2 dihedral

CARDS_MI_Chi3(protein, d)

CARDS network construction method's MI of Chi3 dihedral

CARDS_MI_Chi4(protein, d)

CARDS network construction method's MI of Chi4 dihedral

CARDS_MI_Dihs(protein, d)

CARDS network construction method's of the combination of all backbone and side-chain dihedrals' MIs by averaging.

CARDS_MI_Phi(protein, d)

CARDS network construction method's MI of Phi dihedral

CARDS_MI_Psi(protein, d)

CARDS network construction method's MI of Psi dihedral

CARDS_MI_Sidechain_Dihs(protein, d)

CARDS network construction method's of the combination of the side-chain dihedrals' MIs by averaging.