
Base module for package/software wrapping for AlloViz

Main Base class stores the information about the Protein object and defines the general private methods that most child classes use to launch, manage and store the network calculations. It exploits the ‘__new__’ special method to establish the object’s attributes and that can be extended in the child classes and ‘__init__’ is used to launch calculations, which can be extended or overriden by child classes.

In this module there are additional classes that override or extend Base’s private methods and that are used to be combined to create child classes with multiple inheritance for specific uses.


lazy_import(key, val)

Return a lazily-imported module to store in a variable


Base(protein, d)

Base class for network calculation

Combined_Dihs(protein, d)

Class for combination of dihedral angle data

Combined_Dihs_Avg(protein, d)

Class for combination of dihedral angle data by averaging

Multicore(protein, d)

Class for multi-core packages calculations