
Element._check_setitem_copy(t: str = 'setting', force: bool = False)
tstr, the type of setting error
forcebool, default False

If True, then force showing an error.

validate if we are doing a setitem on a chained copy.
It is technically possible to figure out that we are setting on
a copy even WITH a multi-dtyped pandas object. In other words, some
blocks may be views while other are not. Currently _is_view will ALWAYS
return False for multi-blocks to avoid having to handle this case.
df = DataFrame(np.arange(0,9), columns=[‘count’])
df[‘group’] = ‘b’
# This technically need not raise SettingWithCopy if both are view
# (which is not generally guaranteed but is usually True. However,
# this is in general not a good practice and we recommend using .loc.
df.iloc[0:5][‘group’] = ‘a’