Source code for AlloViz.Wrappers.pytraj_w

"""pytraj wrapper

It calculates the Pearson's correlation of the residues' CA and CB atoms.


from .Base import lazy_import, Base

imports = {
"_pytraj": "pytraj",

for key, val in imports.items():
    exec(f"{key} = lazy_import(*{key, val})")

[docs] class pytraj_CA(Base): """pytraj's Pearson's correlation of CA atoms """ def __new__(cls, protein, d): new = super().__new__(cls, protein, d) new._mask = new._name[-2:] return new
[docs] def _computation(self, xtc): """""" top = _pytraj.load_topology(self._pdbf) traj = _pytraj.load(self._trajs[xtc], top, mask = f'@{self._mask}') corr = _pytraj.matrix.correl(traj, f'@{self._mask}') return corr, xtc
[docs] class pytraj_CB(pytraj_CA): """pytraj's Pearson's correlation of CB atoms """ def __new__(cls, protein, d): new = super().__new__(cls, protein, d) new._selection = "not resname GLY" return new