Source code for AlloViz.Wrappers.dynetan_w

"""dynetan wrapper

It calculates the Mutual Information of the residues' movement.


import numpy as np

from .Base import lazy_import, Multicore

imports = {
"_dynetan": ".Packages.dynetan.src.dynetan.proctraj",

for key, val in imports.items():
    exec(f"{key} = lazy_import(*{key, val})")

[docs] class dynetan(Multicore): """dyentan's MI of the residues """ def __new__(cls, protein, d): new = super().__new__(cls, protein, d) if "stride" in d: new.stride = d["stride"] return new
[docs] def _computation(self, xtc): """""" step = {"in_memory": True, "in_memory_step": self.stride} if hasattr(self, "stride") else {} obj = _dynetan.DNAproc(notebookMode=False) obj.workU = _dynetan.mda.Universe(self._pdbf, self._trajs[xtc], **step) protseg = list(obj.getU().segments.segids) obj.setSegIDs(protseg) obj.selectSystem(withSolvent=True) obj.setNumWinds(1) obj.alignTraj(inMemory=False) obj.prepareNetwork() obj.contactMatAll = np.triu(np.ones([obj.numWinds, obj.numNodes, obj.numNodes], dtype=int), k=1) obj.calcCor(ncores=self.taskcpus) return obj.corrMatAll[0], xtc
# class dynetan_COM(Use_COM, dynetan): # """dyentan's MI of the residues' COM # """ # pass