Source code for AlloViz.Wrappers.MDEntropy_w

"""MDEntropy wrapper

It calculates the Mutual Information (MI) of the combination of the backbone's dihedral angles, of
the Alpha Angles (torsion angle defined by the i-1, i, i+1 and i+2 residues' CA atoms), and of the


import numpy as np

from .Base import lazy_import, Multicore

imports = {
"_mdtraj": "mdtraj",
"_mdentropy": ".Packages.mdentropy.mdentropy.metrics",

for key, val in imports.items():
    exec(f"{key} = lazy_import(*{key, val})")

[docs] class MDEntropy_Base(Multicore): """MDEntropy base class """ def __new__(cls, protein, d): new = super().__new__(cls, protein, d) new.method = d["MDEntropy_method"] if "MDEntropy_method" in d else "grassberger" half = int(np.floor(new.taskcpus/2)) new.taskcpus = half if new.taskcpus > 1 else 1 new._empties = half return new
[docs] def _computation(self, xtc): mytraj = _mdtraj.load(self._trajs[xtc], top=self._pdbf) mi = self._function(threads=self.taskcpus, normed=True, method=self.method, **self._types) # n_bins=3, method='knn', normed=True corr = mi.partial_transform(traj=mytraj, shuffle=0, verbose=True) return corr, xtc, self._resl
[docs] class MDEntropy_Contacts(MDEntropy_Base): """MDEntropy's MI of Contacts """ def __new__(cls, protein, d): new = super().__new__(cls, protein, d) new._function = _mdentropy.ContactMutualInformation new._types = {} new._resl = [] return new
[docs] class MDEntropy_Backbone_Dihs(MDEntropy_Base): """MDEntropy's MI of the backbone's dihedrals """ def __new__(cls, protein, d): new = super().__new__(cls, protein, d) new._function = _mdentropy.DihedralMutualInformation new._types = {"types": ["phi", "psi"]}#, "omega"]} new._resl = new._d["_dihedral_residx"]() return new
[docs] class MDEntropy_Phi(MDEntropy_Backbone_Dihs): """MDEntropy's MI of the phi backbone dihedral """ def __new__(cls, protein, d): new = super().__new__(cls, protein, d) new._types = {"types": ["phi"]} return new
[docs] class MDEntropy_Psi(MDEntropy_Backbone_Dihs): """MDEntropy's MI of the psi backbone dihedral """ def __new__(cls, protein, d): new = super().__new__(cls, protein, d) new._types = {"types": ["psi"]} return new
[docs] class MDEntropy_AlphaAngle(MDEntropy_Base): """MDEntropy's MI of the Alpha Angles """ def __new__(cls, protein, d): new = super().__new__(cls, protein, d) new._function = _mdentropy.AlphaAngleMutualInformation new._types = {"types": ["alpha"]} new._resl = new._d["_dihedral_residx"](-2) return new
[docs] def _computation(self, xtc): """""" corr, xtc, dihedral_resl = super()._computation(xtc) length = corr.shape[0] to_insert = {0, length+1, length+2} new_length = length + len(to_insert) new_indices = set(range(new_length)) new_corr = np.zeros((new_length, new_length), dtype=corr.dtype) corr_indices = np.array(list(new_indices - to_insert)) new_corr[corr_indices.reshape(-1,1), corr_indices] = corr return new_corr, xtc, dihedral_resl