Source code for AlloViz.Wrappers.AlloViz_w

"""AlloViz's own network construction method wrapper

It calculates the Mutual Information (MI) generalized correlation of the residues'
dihedral angles and also their combinations.


import numpy as np

from .Base import lazy_import, Multicore, Combined_Dihs_Avg

imports = {
"_npeet_lnc": ".Packages.NPEET_LNC.lnc",
"_mda_dihedrals": "MDAnalysis.analysis.dihedrals",

for key, val in imports.items():
    exec(f"{key} = lazy_import(*{key, val})")
def _calculate_row(in_data, values, nres):
    res, others = in_data
    row = np.zeros((nres,))
    # Populate the row with the MI values between the present residue and each of the others
    for other in others:
        row[other] = _npeet_lnc.MI.mi_LNC([values[res], values[other]])
    return res, row

[docs] class AlloViz_Base(Multicore): """AlloViz network construction method base class :meth:`~AlloViz.Wrappers.AlloViz.AlloViz_w._computation` uses :mod:`MDAnalysis.analysis.dihedrals` to extract data and `NPEET_LNC <>`_ for MI calculation. """ def __new__(cls, protein, d): new = super().__new__(cls, protein, d) if "stride" in d: new.stride = d["stride"] return new
[docs] def _computation(self, xtc): """""" # Establish the protein atoms from the Universe with the trajectories prot = self._d["u"].atoms # Establish the atoms that form the desired dihedral (if they are not the default ones from the selection function and are provided) # and the selection function itself, and then retrieve the selected AtomGroups dih_atoms = self._dih_atoms if hasattr(self, "_dih_atoms") else {} selected = [] for res in prot.residues: ag = eval(f"res.{self._dih.lower()}_selection(**dih_atoms)") selected.append(ag) # Save the residue indices of the protein for which an AtomGroup forming the desired dihedral could be found, and also make a list of the AtomGroups without Nones selected_res, selected = zip(*[(i, ag) for i, ag in enumerate(selected) if ag]) # Depending on the trajectory number, establish the start and stop frames to get dihedral angle values time series from the Universe offset = 0 # If there is more than 1 trajectory file, take into account the number of frames of all the trajectories previous to the present file if hasattr(self._d["u"].trajectory, "readers"): get_frames = lambda numreader: self._d["u"].trajectory.readers[numreader].n_frames for numreader in range(xtc-1): offset += get_frames(numreader) # Else, the "stop" frames (offset+get_frames) is just the number of frames of the trajectory else: get_frames = lambda _: self._d["u"].trajectory.n_frames # Establish the striding if it was passed for calculation step = {"step": self.stride} if hasattr(self, "stride") else {} values = _mda_dihedrals.Dihedral(selected).run(start=offset, stop=offset+get_frames(xtc-1), **step).results.angles.transpose() # Create a numpy array to store results corr = np.zeros((len(selected_res), len(selected_res))) # Calculate MIs: in_data = [] iterator = set(range(len(selected_res))) # For each residue (row in the matrix), add a tuple to in_data with its id and the id of the rest of residues with a "higher" id for res1 in iterator: # "others" includes all the other residues except itself and residues "below" it, as the MI between them and the present one have already been calculated (triangular matrix) others = list(iterator - set(range(res1)) - {res1}) # Sanity check to avoid adding the last residue, which will have no residues "above" it if len(others) > 0: in_data.append((res1, others)) # Iterate over "in_data" (one calculation per residue: one calculation per row with _calculate_row) and store each row data in "results" from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor as Pool from functools import partial with Pool(self.taskcpus) as p: results = list(, values=values, nres=len(selected_res)), in_data)) p.shutdown() # Populate corr with results for result in results: res, row = result corr[res, :] = row return corr, xtc, list(selected_res)
[docs] class AlloViz_Psi(AlloViz_Base): """AlloViz network construction method's MI of Psi backbone dihedral """ def __new__(cls, protein, d): new = super().__new__(cls, protein, d) new._dih = "psi" return new
[docs] class AlloViz_Phi(AlloViz_Base): """AlloViz network construction method's MI of Phi backbone dihedral """ def __new__(cls, protein, d): new = super().__new__(cls, protein, d) new._dih = "phi" return new
# class AlloViz_Omega(AlloViz_Base): # """AlloViz network construction method's MI of Omega backbone dihedral # """ # def __new__(cls, protein, d): # new = super().__new__(cls, protein, d) # new._dih = "omega" # return new
[docs] class AlloViz_Backbone_Dihs(Combined_Dihs_Avg, AlloViz_Base): """AlloViz network construction method's of the combination of the backbone dihedrals' MIs by averaging """ def __new__(cls, protein, d): new = super().__new__(cls, protein, d) new._dihs = ["Phi", "Psi"]#, "Omega"] return new
[docs] class AlloViz_Chi1(AlloViz_Base): """AlloViz network construction method's MI of Chi1 side-chain dihedral GLY and ALA residues don't have the Chi1 side-chain dihedral. """ def __new__(cls, protein, d): new = super().__new__(cls, protein, d) new._dih = "chi1" return new
[docs] class AlloViz_Chi2(AlloViz_Base): """AlloViz network construction method's MI of Chi2 side-chain dihedral In addition to GLY and ALA, CYS, SER, THR and VAL residues don't have the Chi2 dihedral. """ def __new__(cls, protein, d): new = super().__new__(cls, protein, d) new._dih = "chi1" # dihedral atomnames from: new._dih_atoms = {"n_name": "CA", "ca_name": "CB", "cb_name": "CG CG1", "cg_name": "CD OD1 ND1 CD1 SD"} return new
[docs] class AlloViz_Chi3(AlloViz_Base): """AlloViz network construction method's MI of Chi3 side-chain dihedral Chi3 side-chain dihedral is only available for ARG, GLN, GLU, LYS and MET residues. """ def __new__(cls, protein, d): new = super().__new__(cls, protein, d) new._dih = "chi1" new._dih_atoms = {"n_name": "CB", "ca_name": "CG", "cb_name": "CD SD", "cg_name": "NE OE1 CE"} return new
[docs] class AlloViz_Chi4(AlloViz_Base): """AlloViz network construction method's MI of Chi4 side-chain dihedral Chi4 side-chain dihedral is only available for ARG and LYS residues. """ def __new__(cls, protein, d): new = super().__new__(cls, protein, d) new._dih = "chi1" new._dih_atoms = {"n_name": "CG", "ca_name": "CD", "cb_name": "CE NE", "cg_name": "CZ NZ"} return new
# class AlloViz_Chi5(AlloViz_Base): # """AlloViz network construction method's MI of Chi5 side-chain dihedral # Chi5 side-chain dihedral is only available for ARG residues. # """ # def __new__(cls, protein, d): # new = super().__new__(cls, protein, d) # new._dih = "chi1" # new._dih_atoms = {"n_name": "CD", # "ca_name": "NE", # "cb_name": "CZ", # "cg_name": "NH1"} # return new
[docs] class AlloViz_Sidechain_Dihs(Combined_Dihs_Avg, AlloViz_Base): """AlloViz network construction method's of the combination of the side-chain dihedrals' MIs by averaging """ def __new__(cls, protein, d): new = super().__new__(cls, protein, d) new.chis = d["chis"] if "chis" in d else 4 new._dihs = [f"Chi{i+1}" for i in range(new.chis)] return new
[docs] class AlloViz_Dihs(Combined_Dihs_Avg, AlloViz_Base): """AlloViz network construction method's of the combination of all backbone and side-chain dihedrals' MIs by averaging """ def __new__(cls, protein, d): new = super().__new__(cls, protein, d) new.chis = d["chis"] if "chis" in d else 4 new._dihs = ["Phi", "Psi"] + [f"Chi{i+1}" for i in range(new.chis)]#, "Omega"] return new