Source code for AlloViz.AlloViz.trajutils

"""Module containing functions for trajectory processing

Functions in this module are used by :class:`AlloViz.Protein` for input file processing
or by other functions herein to process and prepare the passed input files for analysis
with the rest of AlloViz's functionalities.


import os

import requests, parmed
import MDAnalysis as mda
from MDAnalysis.analysis.base import AnalysisFromFunction
import numpy as np
from multiprocess import Pool

from . import utils

[docs] def standardize_resnames(protein, **kwargs): r"""Change the residue names of a protein to standard 3-letter codes Change the residue names of the passed :class:`~MDAnalysis.core.universe.Universe` to standard 3-letter names and also put them in the same segment (the first segment of the Universe by default) to avoid problems with packages not recognizing non-standard residue names or producing unexpected results if residues are in various segments. :mod:`Bio.SeqUtils` is used to change the codes and also retrieve the standard 3-to-1 and 1-to-3 residue code mapping, which is also extended with :data:`MDAnalysis.lib.util.inverse_aa_codes`. Parameters ---------- protein : :class:`~MDAnalysis.core.groups.AtomGroup` Atoms of the protein for which to standardize residue names. **kwargs `special_res` can be passed as an optional kwarg, and it should be a dictionary containing a mapping of special residue 3/4-letter code(s) present in the structure to the corresponding standard 1-letter code(s). """ from Bio.SeqUtils import seq1, seq3 from Bio.SeqUtils import IUPACData from MDAnalysis.lib.util import inverse_aa_codes # Make a dictionary of the 3-to-1 letter residue codes mapping # It is made with a combination of the info from Bio.SeqUtils.IUPACData and MDAnalysis.lib.util.inverse_aa_codes and, if applicable, the special_res kwarg dict res_d = {} res_d.update(IUPACData.protein_letters_3to1_extended) res_d.update(inverse_aa_codes) if "special_res" in kwargs and isinstance(kwargs["special_res"], dict): res_d.update(kwargs["special_res"]) # Set all residues' segment to the same one to avoid PyInteraph2_Energy problems protein.residues.segments = protein.segments[0] # Try to standardize all residues' names and, if one fails, raise an Exception to ask for the 3-to-1 mapping try: for res in protein.residues: res.resname = seq3(seq1(res.resname, custom_map=res_d)).upper() except: raise Exception( f""" resname(s) {[res for res in set(protein.residues.resnames) if res not in res_d]} could not be translated to a standard name. Please provide a mapping from 3/4-letter code to 1-letter code as a dictionary with keyword argument 'special_res' upon initialization. """ )
[docs] def get_GPCRdb_numbering(protein): r"""Retrieve the GPCRdb-assigned generic numbering of a GPCR structure A PDB file with GPCR generic numbering of residues in the B-factor column of the file is retrieved through the `GPCRdb <>`_ API and the GPCRdb-scheme generic numbers are transfered to the `protein` CA atoms' `tempfactors`. GPCRdb assigns Ballesteros-Weinstein generic numbers to the N atoms' B-factors, and the GPCRdb-scheme ones to the CA atoms'. GPCRdb "bulges" are marked by repeating the generic number but making it negative (negative B-factor instead of a three-decimal B-factor) and must be transformed by `-b + 0.001`. Some residual `1.00` B-factors remain and must be taken care of. Parameters ---------- protein : :class:`~MDAnalysis.core.groups.AtomGroup` Atoms of the protein for which to retrieve generic numbers and that will be transformed (its CA atoms' `tempfactors`) in-place. Notes ----- GPCRdb provides a PyMOL file to expedite the visualization of the two schemes of generic numbers as text tags over the structure, which is where the information about what is stored in which atom's B-factor column is taken from: .. code-block:: print "GPCRdb script labeling generic numbers on the annotated pdb structure\nKey bindings for labels:\nF1 - show generic numbers\nF2 - show Ballesteros-Weinstein numbers\nF3 - clear labels" label n. CA or n. N cmd.set_key('F1', 'label n. CA & (b >-8.1 and b <8.1), str("%1.2f" %b).replace(".","x") if b > 0 else str("%1.3f" %(-b + 0.001)).replace(".", "x")') cmd.set_key('F2', 'label n. N & (b > 0 and b <8.1), "%1.2f" %b') cmd.set_key('F3', 'label n. CA or n. N') """ from io import StringIO as IO # This has to be a function itself instead of linear code because there are problems with MDAnalysis' NamedStreams not closing properly or something and it throws a Warning def get_GPCRdb_result(protein): # An MDAnalysis' NamedStream is used to write the passed `protein` as a PDB file and pass it to the GPCRdb API; a PDB with the generic numbers is retrieved directly as a response with IO("") as protf, mda.lib.util.NamedStream(protf, "prot.pdb") as f: protein.write(f, file_format="pdb") GPCRdb_output = "", files={"pdb_file": protf.getvalue()}, ) return GPCRdb_output.text # Another MDAnalysis' NamedStream is used to be able to use the obtained generic-numbered PDB as a file from which a Universe can be constructed to extract the B-factors out = get_GPCRdb_result(protein) with mda.lib.util.NamedStream(IO(out), "gen_numb.pdb") as gen_numb: # GPCRdb-scheme generic numbers are assigned to the CA atoms' and residual `1.00` B-factors must be taken care of # GPCRdb "bulges" are marked by repeating the generic number but making it negative (negative B-factor instead of a three-decimal B-factor) and must be transformed by `-b + 0.001` nums = mda.Universe(gen_numb).select_atoms("name CA").tempfactors GPCRdb_nums = np.array( [ round(bfactor, 2) if bfactor > 1 else round(-bfactor + 0.001, 3) if bfactor < 0 else 0 for bfactor in nums ] ) # Transform the passed `protein` in-place protein.select_atoms("name CA").tempfactors = GPCRdb_nums return
[docs] def download_GPCRmd_files(GPCRmdid, path): r"""Download the files of a GPCRmd dynid stored in the database The website of the corresponding `GPCRmd <>`_ ID is scanned to retrieve the downloadable files and they are downloaded in parallel in the passed path with the same name that they have in the database. Parameters ---------- GPCRmdid : int Dynid from the GPCRmd database. path : str Path, relative or absolute, in which to download the files. Notes ----- The force-field parameters file is downloaded as a tar file and is extracted and also transformed in-place to avoid downstream problems with the gRINN construction method. """ import sys, re import tarfile, fileinput from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import urllib.request as pwget # web = "" web = "" # Establish the URL from which the files can be accessed and find the donwload links for the file extensions of interest html = requests.get(f"{web}/dynadb/dynamics/id/{GPCRmdid}/") soup = BeautifulSoup(html.text, features="html.parser").find_all("a") links = [ link.get("href") for link in soup if"(xtc|dcd|pdb|psf|prm)", link.get("href", default="")) ] # Download the files in parallel and save them in `path` with the same original name that they have in GPCRmd (last part of `link`) mypool = Pool() get_name = lambda link: f"{path}/{link.rsplit('/')[-1]}" for link in links: fname = get_name(link) print(f"downloading {fname}") mypool.apply_async(pwget.urlretrieve, args=(f"{web}{link}", fname)) mypool.close() mypool.join() # Extract the 'parameters' file, remove the tar and transform it in-place to avoid errors with the gRINN network construction method if any(["prm" in link for link in links]): fname = next(get_name(link) for link in links if "prm" in get_name(link)) if "tar" in fname: with as tar: tar.extractall(path) os.remove(fname) for line in fileinput.input(f"{path}/parameters", inplace=True): if line.strip().startswith("HBOND"): line = "HBOND CUTHB 0.5\n" # gRINN example parameters file has the 'CUTHB 0.5' in addition to 'HBOND' in its line and seems to be necessary elif line.strip().startswith("END"): line = "END\n" # gRINN example parameters file has a newline in the end of the file that seems to be necessary sys.stdout.write(line) return
[docs] def download_SCoV2MD_files(scov2mdid, path): r"""Download the files of a SARSCoV2-MD dynid stored in the database The website of the corresponding ID is scanned to retrieve the downloadable files and they are downloaded in parallel in the passed path with the same name that they have in the database. Parameters ---------- scov2mdid : int Dynid path : str Path, relative or absolute, in which to download the files. """ import sys, re import tarfile, fileinput from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import urllib.request as pwget web = "" # Establish the URL from which the files can be accessed and find the donwload links for the file extensions of interest html = requests.get(f"{web}/covid19/{scov2mdid}/") soup = BeautifulSoup(html.text, features="html.parser").find_all("a") links = [ link.get("href") for link in soup if"(xtc|dcd|pdb|psf|prm)", link.get("href")) ] # Download the files in parallel and save them in `path` with the same original name that they have in scov2md (last part of `link`) mypool = Pool() get_name = lambda link: f"{path}/{link.rsplit('/')[-1]}" for link in links: fname = get_name(link) print(f"downloading {fname}") mypool.apply_async(pwget.urlretrieve, args=(f"{web}{link}", fname)) mypool.close() mypool.join() return
[docs] def process_input( GPCR, pdb, protein_sel, pdbf, psf, psff, trajs, trajsf, **kwargs ): r"""Process the input structure and trajectory(ies) files Only the passed selection is used from the whole input structure file. Its residue names are standardized to the usual 3-letter residue codes ( :func:`AlloViz.AlloViz.trajutils.standardize_resnames`) and, if the structure is a GPCR, the generic numbers are retrieved from GPCRdb ( :func:`AlloViz.AlloViz.trajutils.get_GPCRdb_numbering`). PDB files of the selection and its CA atoms are written, and also a PSF file with the selection if applicable. The trajectory(ies) of the selection and its CA atoms in xtc format are also generated. Parameters ---------- GPCR : bool or int Use `True` if the structure is a GPCR, or the ID of a GPCRmd database dynamics entry if it was used originally to download the files from it. pdb : str Filename of the PDB structure to read, process and use. protein_sel : str MDAnalysis atom selection string to select the protein structure from the Universe (e.g., in case simulations in biological conditions are used, to avoid selecting extra chains, water molecules, ions...). pdbf : str Complete relative filename of the processed PDB structure to save. psf : str Filename of the .psf file corresponding to the pdb used to read, process and use. psff : str Complete relative filename of the processed PSF structure to save. trajs : list Filename(s) of the MD trajectory (or trajectories) to read and use. File format must be recognized by MDAnalysis (e.g., xtc). trajsf : dict Complete relative filename(s) of the processed MD trajectory (or trajectories) to save. **kwargs `special_res` can be passed as an optional kwarg, and it should be a dictionary containing a mapping of special residue 3/4-letter code(s) present in the structure to the corresponding standard 1-letter code(s). """ whole = mda.Universe(pdb) original_resnames = whole.residues.resnames protein = whole.select_atoms(protein_sel) # Rename all residues in protein_sel to standard names standardize_resnames(protein, **kwargs) # Retrieve GPCRdb residue generic numbering if it's a GPCR if GPCR: get_GPCRdb_numbering(protein) # If the input files has the same number of atoms and residue names as the processed entities, avoid re-saving pdb and trajectory(ies) files if ( whole.atoms.n_atoms == protein.n_atoms and (original_resnames == protein.residues.resnames).all() ): pdbf = pdb trajsf = dict(x for x in enumerate(trajs, 1)) psff = psf # Write protein pdb file if not os.path.isfile(pdbf): protein.write(pdbf) # Write protein psf file if it exists if psff and not os.path.isfile(psff): psf = parmed.load_file(psf)[protein.indices] psf.title = psff psf.write_psf(psff) # Write protein trajectory(ies) file(s): if any( [ not os.path.isfile(f) for f in list(trajsf.values()) ] ): whole.load_new(trajs, continuous=False) if hasattr(whole.trajectory, "_start_frames"): sf = ( whole.trajectory._start_frames ) # for 3 trajs of 2500 frames each looks like: array([ 0, 2500, 5000, 7500]) else: sf = [0, whole.trajectory.n_frames] iterator = enumerate( zip(sf[:-1], sf[1:]), 1 ) # looks like: (1, (0, 2500)), (2, (2500, 5000)), (3, (5000, 7500)) def write_protein_trajs(start, stop, t): if not os.path.isfile(t): protein.write(t, frames=whole.trajectory[start:stop]) # For each trajectory asynchronously (with `multiprocess` Pool), write the protein trajectories if the files don't already exist mypool = Pool() for i, frames in iterator: mypool.apply_async( write_protein_trajs, args=(*frames, trajsf[i]) ) mypool.close() mypool.join() return pdbf, trajsf, psff
[docs] def get_bonded_cys(pdbf): r"""Identify disulfide bond-forming cysteines' sulphur atoms Returns a list of the residue indices of cysteines whose sulphur atoms form a disulfide bond using `ParmEd <>`_. These are used downstream by the PyInteraph2_Contacts network construction method to delete them from the results, as the program does not detect the bonds by itself and it results in contact frequencies of '1' that are uninteresting for allosteric communication. Parameters ---------- pdbf : str Filename of the already-processed protein PDB structure to use for detection. """ bonded_cys = [] pdb = parmed.read_pdb(pdbf) mask = parmed.amber.mask.AmberMask(pdb, ":CY?@SG") for sel in mask.Selected(): atom = pdb.atoms[sel] bonded = [ for a in atom.bond_partners] if "SG" in bonded: bonded_cys.append(atom.residue.idx) return bonded_cys