"""Module with functions to analyze filtered networks
Main function :func:`~AlloViz.AlloViz.Analysis.analyze` manages the analysis of filtered
networks. It calls :func:`~AlloViz.AlloViz.Analysis.single_analysis` for the analysis of
single element-metric combinations and uses the NetworkX's functions defined in
:data:`~AlloViz.AlloViz.Analysis.nodes_dict` and
import os
import sys
import time
import pandas
import numpy as np
import networkx
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor as Pool
from functools import partial
from . import Elements
from . import utils
from .utils import rgetattr, rhasattr
nodes_dict = {
"btw": "networkx.algorithms.centrality.betweenness_centrality",
"cfb": "networkx.algorithms.centrality.current_flow_betweenness_centrality",
Dictionary that maps nodes network metrics custom names (e.g., betweenness centrality,
"btw") with their corresponding NetworkX function (e.g.,
edges_dict = {
"btw": "networkx.algorithms.centrality.edge_betweenness_centrality",
"cfb": "networkx.algorithms.centrality.edge_current_flow_betweenness_centrality",
Dictionary that maps edges network metrics custom names (e.g., betweenness centrality,
"btw") with their corresponding NetworkX function (e.g.,
def analyze_graph(args):
r"""Analyze a graph/column from raw filtered data with an element-metric
Analyze a stored, filtered raw data column with the passed combination of
element-metric/NetworkX' analysis function and return the results.
graph : :external:ref:`Graph <graph>` object
Single column/graph object to analyze.
metricf : str
NetworkX function to analyze data. It must be written as if it were an
absolute import
(e.g., "networkx.algorithms.centrality.betweenness_centrality").
colname : str
Name of the analyzed column that it will have in the final DataFrame for saving.
graph, metricf, colname = args
nodes = {} # Temporary fix for future use of source-sink network analyses
# Try to apply the NetworkX's analysis function to the selected Graph
analyzed = metricf(
# If it throws an error, return False to print it along with the performed analysis' information and create fake data with all 0s
except Exception as e:
return e
# Sort the result's indices if they are a MultiIndex (edges), so that each pair has the residue with the lowest resnum as the first element of the tuple
sort_index = lambda result: {
tuple(sorted(k, key=lambda x: int(x.split(":")[-1]))): result[k]
for k in result
result = sort_index(analyzed) if len(list(analyzed.keys())[0]) == 2 else analyzed
# Return a series
return pandas.Series(result, name=colname)
def single_analysis(graphs, metricf, metric, elem, pq, **kwargs):
r"""Analyze raw data with a single element-metric
Analyze stored, filtered raw data with the passed combination of
element-metric/NetworkX' analysis function and save the results.
graphs : dict of external:ref:`Graph <graph>` objects
Graphs to analyze.
metricf : str
NetworkX function to analyze data. It must be written as if it were an
absolute import
(e.g., "networkx.algorithms.centrality.betweenness_centrality").
metric : str
Network metric to compute, which must be a key in the `nodes_dict` or
`edges_dict` dictionaries.
elem : str or list, {"edges", "nodes"}
Network element for which the analysis is performed.
pq : str
Name of the parquet (.pq) file in which to save the analysis results.
Other Parameters
Other optional keyword arguments that will be passed to the NetworkX analysis
function(s) that is(are) used on the method call in case they need extra
# Process the NetworkX's module-function that will be used for analysis and import it into the metricf variable
metricf = partial(eval(metricf), **kwargs)
# Function to gget the columns' new names (e.g., if there is more than 1 trajectory, there will be "weight", "metric_weight", "metric_1", "metric_"...)
get_colname = lambda metric, col: f"{metric}_{col}" if len(graphs) > 1 else metric
# Analyze all columns in parallel, returning a Series for each (or False if it couldn't be analyzed)
with Pool(len(graphs)) as p:
args = [(graph, metricf, get_colname(metric, col)) for col, graph in graphs.items()]
results = list(p.map(analyze_graph, args))
# Check if any of the analyses failed and print the information
fails = [(args[i][-1], results.pop(i)) for i in range(len(results)) if not isinstance(results[i], pandas.Series)]
if len(fails) > 0:
for f in fails:
pandas.concat(results, axis=1).to_parquet(pq)
# Function to wait for the analyses to finish in the background; returns the data to be added as attributes when they do
def wait_analyze(pqs):
while any([not os.path.isfile(pq) for pq in pqs]):
return pqs
# Function to add the newly calculated (or retrieved) data to the Element's attribute after analysis (wait_analyze) finishes and passes the data
def add_data(pqs, elem, data, filtered):
f"adding analyzed {elem} {filtered._pkg} {filtered._name} data of for {filtered._pkg.protein._pdbf}"
for pq in pqs:
# Retrieve the metric name from the .pq filename and read it into a DataFrame
metric = pq.rsplit("/", 1)[-1].split("_", 1)[-1].split(".")[0]
df = pandas.read_parquet(pq)
# If there are more than 1 trajectory, calculate the metric average and standard error from the trajectories' analyzed data
if len(filtered._pkg.protein._trajs) > 1:
cols = [f"{metric}_{num}" for num in filtered._pkg.protein._trajs if f"{metric}_{num}" in df.columns]
df[f"{metric}"] = df[cols].fillna(0).mean(axis=1) # .fillna(0) these methods aren't affected by NAs;;;;;;;;;;; .dropna(how="all")
df[f"{metric}_std"] = df[cols].fillna(0).std(axis=1) # .fillna(0)
out = df
data = pandas.concat([data, out], axis=1)
# Retrieve the Element's class from the Visualization module and (re-)set it with the data
elemclass = eval(f"Elements.{elem.capitalize()}")
setattr(filtered, elem, elemclass(data, parent=filtered._pkg.protein))
# getattr(filtered, elem)._parent = filtered._pkg.protein
def analyze(filtered, elements, metrics, nodes_dict, edges_dict, **kwargs):
r"""Analyze the filtered network
Send the analyses of the passed filtered network for the specified combinations of
elements-metrics. Each combination is analyzed independently with
:func:`~AlloViz.AlloViz.Analysis.single_analysis` using NetworkX' functions and
results are stored as new instances of classes from the
:mod:`AlloViz.AlloViz.Elements` module, which extend the :class:`pandas.DataFrame`
filtered : :class:`~AlloViz.AlloViz.Filtering.Filtering` object
Filtered network object.
elements : str or list, {"edges", "nodes"}
Network element for which to perform the analysis.
metrics : str or list
Network metrics to compute, which must be keys in the `nodes_dict` or
`edges_dict` dictionaries.
Other Parameters
nodes_dict, edges_dict : dict
Optional kwarg(s) of the dictionary(ies) that maps network metrics custom names
(e.g., betweenness centrality, "btw") with their corresponding NetworkX
function (e.g., "networkx.algorithms.centrality.betweenness_centrality").
Functions strings must be written as if they were absolute imports, and must
return a dictionary of edges or nodes, depending on the element dictionary in
which they are. The keys of the dictionaries will be used to name the columns
of the analyzed data that the functions produce. Defaults are
:data:`~AlloViz.AlloViz.Analysis.nodes_dict` and
Other optional keyword arguments that will be passed to the NetworkX analysis
function(s) that is(are) used on the method call in case they need extra
elements = elements if isinstance(elements, list) else [elements]
for elem in elements:
# If the Element's attribute doesn't exist yet, use as initial data the raw edge weights from the filtered data (or an empty DF for nodes)
if not rhasattr(filtered, elem):
if elem == "edges":
# cols = ["weight" in col for col in filtered._filtdata.columns]
data = filtered._graph_distances #.loc[:, cols]
elif elem == "nodes":
data = pandas.DataFrame()
# Else, retrieve the Element's attribute DataFrame to add columns to it
data = rgetattr(filtered, elem)
# # Retrieve the element's dictionary and if necessary update it with the one passed in kwargs
d = eval(f"{elem}_dict").copy()
# if f"{elem}_dict" in kwargs:
# d.update(kwargs[f"{elem}_dict"])
# Create a list of the desired metrics to calculate
metrics = utils.make_list(metrics, if_all = list(d.keys()))
# Create a list of the metrics that (i) have been passed, (ii) are also present in the element's dictionary and (iii) aren't already in the Element's attribute
elem_metrics = [
metric for metric in metrics if (metric in d and metric not in data)
# Define the list of .pq files that we expect are going to be saved (or be retrieved) and a function to check which of them already exist
pqs = lambda elem: [filtered._datapq(elem, metric) for metric in elem_metrics]
no_exist = lambda pqs: [not os.path.isfile(pq) for pq in pqs]
# If any of the .pq files don't exist, send the analysis calculations for them
if any(no_exist(pqs(elem))):
for metric in (
for metric in elem_metrics
if no_exist(pqs(elem))[pqs(elem).index(filtered._datapq(elem, metric))]
partial(single_analysis, **kwargs),
filtered._datapq(elem, metric)
# Wait asynchronously for analysis to end and then add the data
wait_analyze, args=(pqs(elem),), callback=partial(add_data, elem=elem, data=data, filtered=filtered)